
Marijuana Remaining Illegal

In the article, “5 Reasons Marijuana Should Remain Illegal,” John Hawkins claims that the drug is extremely addictive, hasn’t worked in Amsterdam, is terrible for your physical and mental health, and that it has decimated many people’s lives. Early into the article Hawkins manages to counter his own “extremely addictive” point by citing Dr. Drew. Dr. Drew states, “It’s not very addictive for many people. It’s a small subset of people with a genetic potential for addiction. But for them it is really tough.” Those statements can be made for any form of medication legally sold via prescription. If the drug is administered in a controlled environment then individuals with this genetic predisposition for addiction would be sorted out and informed of the dangers of their ingesting the drug. Many drugs, including marijuana, are beneficial to the user but may have adverse side effects. This doesn’t stop Big Pharma from over prescribing other drugs.

John Hawkins’ argument surrounding legal marijuana in Amsterdam stands on weak legs as well. He tells the reader that the government is imposing a ban on non-Dutch residents partaking in the coffee shops and that the crime rates around coffee shops is alarmingly high. With just a little more research, one finds that the reason this regulation came down was due to neighboring countries that haven’t legalized marijuana. Drug tourists, or couriers who drive over the border to buy large amounts of cannabis, which they resell at home are the cause for this regulation. The crime that Hawkins’ speaks of is traffic and public disorder issues near the border due to individuals trying to sneak it into their country. It has nothing to do with the consumption of the product. The problems arising in Amsterdam in regards to marijuana have nothing to do with their country, but with other countries who have yet to legalize the drug.

Hawkins suggests that, “most habitual marijuana users come off as stupid,” and that, “The drug is making them stupider, even when they’re not high.” This is complete fallacy and it is apparent that the man clearly has an agenda. There are many articles that can be found that show the peak in intellectual creativity brought on by cannabis use. I know what you’re thinking, “Well what about long-term mental effects?” The Harvard University Gazette did a study entitled Intelligence, cognition unaffected by heavy marijuana use. In the study it was found that heavy marijuana use had no permanent effects 28 days after cessation.

Any physical problems due to smoking the drug is purely user responsibility as we are all aware that smoking anything can cause physical harm. This is not due impart to the cannabis ingested, but to the tar associated with all forms of smoking. One should simply find a healthier way to ingest. Many dispensaries have vaporizer bags or pens that work the same as smoking, yet doesn’t offer the nasty physical side effects. If you eat chicken raw you are subjecting yourself to physical harm, there is no difference with this. You not only have to smart about what you put into your body, but how you go about it.

His final argument about the drug decimating peoples’ lives is opinionated and doesn’t deserve much of a response as the evidence he uses to support his claim is based around his previous arguments. Reading Mr. Hawkins’ article was humorous, as upon completing the reading I realized that he went to college to do this occupation for a living. Maybe if he would have taken a trip to Amsterdam during his college years his writing style wouldn’t have suffered from such a lack of creativity and well thought out points.

Originally Titled “Tell Your Children”

One of the greatest examples of satire on America’s war on drugs is the motion picture Reefer Madness. The movie was released in the 1930’s and is a cult classic to this day. The plot involves high school kids who are lured into a drug dealer’s apartment to smoke marijuana…and then the fun begins. The marijuana leads to extreme paranoia, rape, and even murder. I first checked this film out a few years ago on Netflix and absolutely loved it. The message comes across as sincere, as it was financed by a church group who intended for it to show parents the dangers of their kids using marijuana. Fortunately for the viewer, the production team turned the movie into an exploitation of the war on drugs. This film is highly recommended (for multiple viewings even) for a look at how the war on drugs propaganda got started.

Weed Wars: Intro to the Marijuana Debate

The debate over marijuana legalization has become increasingly relevant in today’s society. More and more states have voted for the decriminalization of marijuana possession. As with any nationwide issue, the debate has clear opposing sides. There are many proponents of legalization/decriminalization who argue for legalization due to the medical benefits of using the drug. An ABC News February 4, 2014 article written by Walter Perez spotlights a war veteran who has used marijuana to cope with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Regarding the other side of the debate in favor of keeping marijuana use illegal, I have also attached a popular anti-drug ad from the Above the Influence campaign. Nationwide trends show that legalization is gaining support. We will further discuss the ever-evolving history and current debate regarding marijuana. Stay tuned!


Our Drugs War- The Life and Death of a Dealer

As you watch this episode, you learn the struggles and conflict one goes through in dealing with illegal drugs. This can begin from nothing, to jail time, to anything as drastic as getting murdered or ones own actions affecting family and friends of theirs. It can even be vise versa. Their actions can learn to legal downfalls and irrational decision making followed by their actions. Drugs easily manipulate and influence others in a negative way. This then leads to, what we are trying to convey, is the war on drugs.

Retired Police Captain Demolishes the War on Drugs

In October 2012, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) co-founder, Peter Christ, appeared on WGRZ-TV in Buffalo, NY and takes on all aspects of our disastrous War on Drugs. Captain Christ is vice-chair of LEAP and a former police officer.

Captain Christ makes excellent points as to why we should finally end this war and legalize drugs including how law enforcement’s function should not be to enforce morality. He states that it would be more beneficial to our society to have the drug marketplace run by professional, licensed adults as opposed to gangster, thugs, terrorists (which even includes children). We need to accept the fact that drugs are always going to be in our society and anyone who wants to take a specific illegal drug can find a way to get it; whether or not it’s legalized will, therefore, not be promoting as those opposed to drug legalization claim.

Perhaps Captain Christ’s most convincing point was comparing the current legalization of tobacco to the effects of drug legalization. In the last 10 years, 50% of adult cigarette smokers quit and we did not ban a single cigaretteAll we need to do similar regulations for other drugs and people would not feel condoned, but instead inhibited.